Łukasz Albrecht's Research Group

Łukasz Albrecht's Research Group

Dorota Kowalczyk-Dworak was born in Opoczno, Poland, 1989. She studied chemistry at Lodz University of Technology, where she obtained her M. Sc degree. Upon graduation she decided to continue her education and started her Ph. D. studies in the field of organocatalysis under the supervision of Łukasz Albrecht.  Her current research focuses on the application of asymmetric organocatalysis in the synthesis of biologically significant compounds.


7. Kowalczyk, D.; Albrecht, Ł. Org. Biomol. Chem. 201715, 7286.

6. Kowalczyk, D.; Wojciechowski, J.; Albrecht, Ł. Synthesis 201749, 880.

5. Kowalczyk, D.; Albrecht, Ł. J. Org. Chem. 201681, 6800.

4. Kowalczyk, D.; Wojciechowski, J.; Albrecht, Ł. Tetrahedron Lett. 201657, 2533.

3. Kowalczyk, D.; Albrecht, Ł. Chem. Commun. 201551, 3981.

2. Hejmanowska, J.; Dzięgielewski, M.; Kowalczyk, D.; Albrecht, Ł. Synlett 201425, 2957.

1. Stiller, J.; Kowalczyk, D.; Jiang, H.; Jørgensen, K. A. Albrecht, Ł. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 13108.